Welcome to our Summer 2021 Life Center newsletter. The economic situation continues to be a heavy burden on the Lebanese people as you will hear, but the good news is that the COVID pandemic is easing providing some much needed relief.
In the midst of this the Life Center continues to have a full programme of outreach and humanitarian activities, so please read on…
Message from Pastor Said
"Out of the one who eats came something to eat; out of the strong came something sweet."
Judges 14:14
Dear friend and partner, I pray that as you are reading this praise report and newsletter, you are well and in good health.
Here in Lebanon, We praise the Lord, the COVID-19 curve has been going down for the past month, and we are very grateful to the Lord for what we consider a miracle, because as you know the Church has been addressing the issue in fasting and prayer for months.
We also continue to pray for the economic situation as we don’t see change yet. Even as I am writing I’ve been waiting for my turn in a long line for two hours to fill 10 litres of petrol for the car, the maximum allowed.
As you probably have heard the Bank of Lebanon is out of cash, so petrol, food, meat, and medication is becoming harder to access day after day.
Yes, this reminded me of the long difficult years of civil war in Lebanon. Yet I thought instead of getting frustrated, why not use this time as an opportunity to focus on good kingdom matters and write you this praise report.
P. Said Deeb.
Spring of Life
The ECE program at SOL, our online Education Support Program for children is ongoing in collaboration with “World Vision” and we’ve recruited two new teachers who are up to date on skills of instruction, lesson ideas, and professional development.

Furthermore, this month, after the strict lockdown is over, SOL has successfully organised two Children’s Parties for more than three hundred children; with their parents they enjoyed the hilarious sketches, songs and games organised by our youth group. At the end of this special program, they all received Jesus as well as special gifts, toys and cookies (Sponsored by Roads of Success) that made them smile from ear to ear. You couldn’t imagine the Joy that was present in the atmosphere.
Youth Ministry
During the pandemic and Lockdown, we had the time to pray, think and reflect. We are creating something new never done before at the Life Center: a daily youth club. We have started applying for it and need your prayers.
“Eagles in Christ” has opened a music class to help students develop and improve their musical gifts and skills and we thank God for two missionaries from South Korea who have joined our team and are now offering free piano lessons and assistance. We are praying and planning to develop this ministry and create new worship bands.
Healthcare Ministry
We continue working towards our simple goal of offering reliable, affordable and quality health care services to the marginalised communities that do not have access to them. Example are oxygen concentrators, wheel chairs, crutches, etc, and the basic knowledge on how to access them. We also aim to assist with medical emergencies, supporting some medical operations and referral services.
Food Boxes Distribution
We continue to distribute food boxes to 600 families in the region. Some of them on a monthly basis, others once every two months. The number of families applying for basic food assistance is growing and your contribution and donations are essential to help us respond to people’s immediate need for food and nutritional support during those critical times we are passing through.
The World bank report today concerning the financial and economic situation in Lebanon is alarming. They consider Lebanon has become one of the worst three countries in the world and at risk of total chaos! They are urging world leaders to do something before it is too late.
Please have a look on this link:
Making Disciples Commission
Our Syrian refugee discipleship groups have resumed. We thank God for the unity of vision of our pastoral team! AL MASSIRA courses are back, with new disciples, and the same is true for the discipleship and Bible study cell groups in both the Bekaa Valley and Beirut.

Bible Institute
God is blessing this ministry and it is growing.
The classes are held on Wednesday mornings at 10am, then at 3pm and then at night. These are in addition to Friday morning classes at the Life Center. We now have three groups of 40 people each and will be enrolling new students soon.
After level one and level two graduation, the plan for July is to enrol 40 new Lebanese students for our Bible institute – level one, By doing so, we will have 210 Bible students in total. They are men and women who have been effected by the Aug 4 explosion. They come with tremendous financial needs, therefore we plan to support them with food parcels on a monthly basis – the same as we have been doing with the previous ones. This is a challenge we need to continue facing.
Please join us in prayer as opening more Bible classes means engaging more workers in the educational, administration and pastoral fields.
Pentecost Sunday All Day Celebration
We celebrated Pentecost Sunday the whole day on Sunday May 23. From morning till evening with the participation of many disciples from the Catholic church with Father Roger Karam, Father Joseph Daou . Our worship teams included the Armenian “Word of Life Church” worship band, and the D4J groups from the Catholic Television channel.
Pastor Carlos Payan and P. Said Oujibou from France ministered in the Sunday morning sessions. The church was full of people who were moved and who responded to the Holy Spirit’s touch. Many of those who attended and experienced the grace of God in their lives later gave their testimonies and very positive feedback.

My name is Jamila, I am from Syria and I have five children. My husband sews shoes for a living.
We moved to Lebanon during the Syrian war and it was God’s will that we would live next to the church. At first, I visited it asking for help because of our drastic financial situation. My husband lost his work and I had no choice but to seek help from the Church, even though I hated Christians.
After I encountered the loving Christ through your love and help with monthly food parcels and several hospital visits. I started attending all the prayer and discipleship meetings to discover the secret of this love. And now, after we have met Jesus His joy and peace have filled our hearts.
We are not afraid of the daily threats of the extended family who realized that we visit the church because we believe that God will protect us. I now share my faith with a group of women and teach them about the love of Christ.
Prayer Ministry
Our church has organised a 24/7 prayer and fasting initiative in partnership with other churches and Christian groups. We started in March with a group of 30 individuals which includes church members and friends who are covering Tuesdays in fasting and prayer. Other churches are covering the other days of the week.
We invite you to join us in fasting and prayer for Lebanon, believing with us for a breakthrough at all levels.
Summer Challenges
Bekaa Valley kids Mission
In addition to Al Massira course and outreaches in the tents inside the camp and at the center we’ve rented outside the camp, we are starting to plan for a special event for two hundred children in the coming weeks inside one of the Bekaa refugees camps.
Bourj Hamoud children (Spring of Life)
As the country is opening up again we are planning on resuming our kids club, as well as three kids Chapels per week for the children of SOL and Life Center with Samia and her team. Our goal is to reach 120 children weekly for a start, please pray for Samia and the supporting team she is recruiting for this new project.
Agriculture project in The Bekaa Valley
Since vegetables have become so expensive, we have a plan to rent a land and plant some needed vegetables. We are then hoping to distribute the harvest to support 500 families. We are still studying this possibility and will get back to you about it, but we need your supportive prayers.
The Staff Team
Thank you for keeping our staff members, pastoral team and leaders in your prayers. Without them, without the calling upon their lives, without their consecration and unconditional self-giving love, we would be very limited and not much could be done or achieved. They are the forgotten soldiers behind every victory. They need all your prayers and attention at these critical times. We want them to take care of their calling while by the Grace of God we take care of their needs.
Please do not forget to pray for me and Cecile as well as the family, we need more wisdom, peace and Love, we need to be always led by the Holy Spirit to hear His voice, and do His will.
Thank you for reading through, may the Lord bless you and multiply you in every good work.