Welcome to the July 2023 Life Center Newsletter.
It’s been 9 months since our last newsletter, but I’m sure that out of sight doesn’t mean out of mind (or prayer) when it comes to the team at the Life Center. All our newsletters start with an acknowledgement of how hard it is to live, work and minister in Lebanon, and this is no exception. Of course that explains the delay in communicating with our supporters, but we’ll let Pastor Said bring you all up-to-date.
Hello my friends, Peace and grace from suffering Lebanon. 9 months passed since I last sent a newsletter and a praise report. Every month I prepared and wrote, but for some reason I didn’t send. Because I didn’t want to sound negative, but now, I feel strongly compelled by the Spirit to do it.
I will make it short and right to the point as much as I can.
In spite of the economic situation and worst inflation the world has ever experienced since 150 years till now. In the midst of hopelessness and suffering, our Church in Beirut is raising and fighting the good fight. We’ve decided not to quit, not to surrender, but to face the situation with hope, and fight the fight of Faith, to bring hope into a broken desperate world.
Thanks be to our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ and the power of the Holy Spirit, the One God, to Him be all glory, power and praise…
The lord is blessing us with souls and souls, lots of blessings and testimonies yet lots of challenges, some of it are so dramatic. I will share one here, because it is a hard one.
Ali, a Muslim Lebanese we baptized earlier this year, was hit by a car with his two daughters. He lost one daughter, and the other one is still suffering with him since Saturday in the I.C. unit at the Rizk hospital in Beirut. He is most probably half paralyzed the below part. We are not yet sure. Please pray for his recovery. His Muslim family blame it on his faith and bully him to leave Christianity, but he is standing for his faith in Christ even inside the intensive care and hurricane he is experiencing right now.
This is a not an easy situation, but the lord is giving him grace and love. He opened his eyes two days ago, and can talk now. The same with his daughter. Most of their bones are broken and bruises all over their bodies. The story was on the breaking news. Much prayer and support are needed.
Events At The Life Center
Youth Camp 2023
Also, I have an urgent request from the youth team. They are planning for their Summer camp 2023 in the first week of August. They’ve raised half of the funds (the total budget is seven thousand dollars) and are still in need for the second half, I hope we can share the need, they are believing and praying about it with full confidence. They put together a four pages proposal, I will send it to you upon request.

Youth Meeting

Youth Camp 2022
Christian Education Institute
The Christian Education Institute is still growing and relief ministry is growing too. We are continuing and fully trusting the Lord to provide food parcels. We have 450 students all together – including youth and church members. These represent 450 families coming to Bible studies on a weekly basis. The food boxes we are distributing on a monthly basis are making a big difference in their lives and families. We can write a book about it. This ministry needs strong partners, please keep it on your radars.
Bible study Classes are done on daily basis. Pray for the staff, one of them broke his knee, and the institute is adding at least 30 students every three months ( details are available upon request).

The Christian Education Institute is continuing with more classes and more students, seeking to know the Bible and the Lord.

Third Year Students Graduation in March 2023
Bible Writing Competition:
This Sunday we are distributing financial gifts of 20$ for forty students those who wrote the four gospels by hand. Lots of beautiful testimonies.
Bekaa Valley Outreach
Concerning the Bekaa Valley Refugee Outreach: After persecution from religious authorities and after breaking down our tent of ministry inside the Syrian refugees camp by the army, we’ve rented a 350 m2 hall in Tanayel next to the refugee camps. In addition we’ve rented a two bedroom apartment on the second floor in the same building.
The place was a restaurant but closed down due to bankruptcy because of the economic crisis. It is in need of renovation, and furniture, but is more than enough for kids and youth outreaches and also for Bible studies. It is totally empty, we will sit on the floor no problem, but we need to paint it and fix the doors, sinks and toilets system plus other repairs.
Much prayer and support is needed.
Thank you all for your love, prayers, encouragement, and support! We are so grateful to our friends and partners who help make the work we do possible!
Pastor Said